New for this season, WYL will be offering a $50 discount on the registration fee for multi-sport athletes during the spring season.  Upon proof of registration for the child's 2nd spring sport, a refund will be processed via TeamSnap.  The multi-sport discount is not applicable to families that have already received a multi-player discount.  Note: club lacrosse does not qualify as a secondary sport.


Please direct requests to Margaret Scoolidge (Girls):; and Greg Scalo (Boys):

Please Note, an active US Lacrosse ID through June 30, 2025 will be required.  Memberships can be purchased/renewed here:

Boys Lacrosse - K2, 3/4, and 5/6

Season Outline

Registration Fee: K2 $75; 3rd - 6th: $265 (includes uniform fee)
8 winter training sessions (Saturday, starting February 1st at Hudson Sports)
Weekday practices on Monday and Wednesday (starting on or about April 1st)
6 - 8 games
2 - 3 Tournaments
Boys Uniform - 3rd-6th

This year's uniform includes a $65 uniform fee.  Plan is to use same uniform style for multiple years and will not be required to purchase every year.
Sizing chart:
Be sure to factor in the chest protector when choosing your pinnie size

Girls Lacrosse - K2, 3/4, and 5/6

Season Outline

Registration Fee: K2 $75; 3rd - 6th: $200
8 winter training sessions (Saturday, starting February 1st at Hudson Sports)
Weekday practices on Tuesday and Thursday, on or about April 1st
8 - 10 games (3rd - 6th)
2 - 3 Tournaments (3rd - 6th)
K2 - Games and Plays TBD

Looking down on a pair of Lacrosse sticks and a white ball sitting on the white Midfield-line of an artificial turf sports field.
girl stick